70. so long as you don't disturb their little world either physic- ally or emotionally. If you act proud of your womanhood and self confidantly, they will step aside for you; if you are bash- ful, fearful, and hesitant you will be passed by as not worthy of notice; if you act nervous and guilty their curiosity will be aroused to find out why----and perhaps they will!

Remember! It is the best in womanhood that we seek to emulate, not the common. Be the LADY in the crowd if you are going to be a woman at all, not the scrubwoman or the clerk. It is the beauty, delicacy, grace, lovliness, charm and free- dom of expression of the feminine world that you are seeking to express, so "live it up".....be as pretty, charming and graceful as you can, but remember that beauty is not the main thing. Women are not all beautiful by any means and TV-women aren't either, but that just means that each type should ex- press the other aspects of her personality to the fullest for her own pleasure and for the enjoyment of those she meets in her daily life. As a matter of fact the most interesting and charming women are seldom the most beautiful too often the possession of beauty seems to be the only outstanding quality such women have. Don't try therefore to emulate only the beau- ty of face and figure of womanhood use your TV interest to de- velop a whole new feminine personality in which you can express many traits of character which must be supressed in your masc- uline life. Do not stew over the fact that you may not be the ideal feminine size of body or feet or that you are not as pretty as some other TV or your movie heroine. This is not the important aspect of impersonation. Just as women who were not born beautiful have to live as something less than they would like to be, so does the TV-woman. And just as such a woman compensates by developing poise, charm and an attractive, in- teresting personality so can those TVs who may not be as fav- ored of face or figure as they would like to be.


In conclusion: Transvestism is more than just a behav- ior pattern. It is an opportunity a mechanism whereby a per- son born into the limited sphere of masculinity can experience the other side of life to a degree and draw from that experience values, perspectives, and understanding which can greatly broad- en his total awareness and grasp of human life......Virginia.